I Don't Care Much For Politics

I don't try to follow the noise. I don't have a subscription to cable television. I don't read many news articles online. If I do get a dose of current events it will usually be through twitter, a podcast, or some Youtuber I like, and even then, I'm trying to cut down on my consumption of these things, however unsuccessfully that's going.

Some people will wonder, with all this emphasis on personal responsibility that I place upon myself, don't I think it's within my responsibility to keep up with current political trends? Isn't it in my best interest to be an informed citizen?

The truth is, I couldn't care less about any of that shit. If you follow politics, that's great! I'm glad someone's paying attention. Pull me into a good discussion or debate when you get the chance. If there's threats to free speech or liberty or the ability of the individual to express themselves, I'd like to know. Just don't expect me to prioritize keeping up with everyone's political leanings and to keep tabs tallying the wins for each side.

Here's an example of an ideal day for me. This was last Friday. These kinds of days are rare but I managed to lock the fuck in that day and clobber my goals. I wrote these things down Thursday night, committed to them, held myself accountable and then executed them starting the next morning. When I realize that I was able to do that it makes me want to howl at the moon. It makes me want to beat my chest to the drums of war in my head. A Good Day Notice something? In my ideal day, there's no mention of getting on twitter and finding a news story to rant about (even though I am guilty of such things from time to time). There's no mention of discussing current policy in the white house with Harry at the water cooler. There's no mention of complaining about Trump's pea-brain or any mention of contemplating the latest extreme idea put forth by another "I know what's best for you" politician. There's no task that says: "Listen to the news host blather on and color everything with their shade or red or blue." There's nothing about deciding which political candidate I most align with. I'm going to make it my mission to have more days like this.

I'm not saying that if you care deeply about politics and current affairs and you engage in these things enthusiastically that I think you're dumb, petty, or too wrapped up in complaining yourself. I am very glad that there are people with enough tenacity and courage that they feel that politics is an important realm to do battle in. I just don't have the same heart or passion for it.

I'd rather live like a boring monk than partake in any of the excitement served up in the daily deluge of information, good or bad, loud or quiet, extreme or reasonable. I'd rather focus on my skills, my career, and the people in my immediate circle.